Hear inspiring local immigration stories with the Coming to America lecture series.

This compelling genealogical lecture series is now booking dates in North Carolina and surrounding areas.

Coming to America Lecture Series Flier The Coming to America Lecture Series is a program I created along with German-native Ria Hilken in September 2020 for the Deutsches Haus of New Orleans.

Even with COVID restrictions, the series has continually grown and now boasts 100-150+ attendees each month. Wayne Tullier is currently the coordinator. (If you are in the New Orleans area, email dhcomingtoamerica@gmail.com for more information.)

This series focuses on the life adventures of real people, their struggles, triumphs, and ultimately their stories of living the American dream. Everyone has a compelling story just waiting to be told.

These stories take the listener on a journey of family discoveries. Soon you’ll see how you can bring power, joy, and life-changing connections to your own life through genealogy!

You are encouraged to share your story, whether you are an immigrant or the child, grandchild, or even cousin of one. It doesn’t matter where your story started – whether it be in Germany, Ireland, Cuba, or elsewhere. America is a “nation of immigrants." Immigrant experiences should not be forgotten.

Now that I’ve relocated to North Carolina, this wonderful series will live on in the Appalachians. Bring the Coming to America Lecture Series to your community!


This series reminds of us our roots.


“The Coming to America series is a real contribution to any community as it not only honors the immigrants and their families that share their stories, but it also helps to remind us that we are, perhaps more than others, a country of immigrants.”

– Brian Altobello, Author
